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Sell Your Home Faster With These Staging Tips

December 12, 20234 min read

If you’re ready for a fresh start in a new home but are having trouble selling your old property, consider putting together a staging strategy. Simply put, staging is the process of making your home more appealing in order to cater to a wider variety of buyers. With more interested buyers, you’ll be able to sell your home at a higher price. The advantages of staging aren’t just anecdotal either; there are statistics proving this strategy’s effectiveness. Follow these few staging tips if you want to sell your home faster.


Gather some intel from the neighborhood.

You don’t have to be an expert in order to stage your home successfully, but it’s always helpful to get some inspiration and staging tips from other homeowners. Magazines and websites are good references for broader ideas, but these resources fail to give you the real-life experience of a staged home. To get an in-person view of a staged home, you can venture around your neighborhood to gather some intel from nearby listings. You’ll be able to copy the aspects you enjoyed and avoid the ones which turned you off. It’s also a good idea to research local home prices so you have a better idea of how to price your home.


Let in the natural light.

Everything looks better when drowned in natural light. There’s something appealing about sunlight that can’t be matched by man-made lighting. Whether you’re taking pictures for an online listing or preparing for an open house, make sure to allow the maximum amount of light in as possible. Open up your curtains, pull back the shutters, and maybe even open a window or two. Sunsets offer the best source of lighting with the softest glows and richest color.


Set up the backyard.

The term “open house” can be a little misleading and restrictive. People aren’t only interested in looking at your home; they will be interested in seeing your entire property. While cutting the grass and trimming the bushes are a great idea, setting up your backyard really adds something special to an open house. You can set up some lights (such as these string lights from Home Depot, which sell for under $40) on your patio or deck to transform the space into an extension of your home. This will help visitors to see value in your property beyond the number of rooms and bathrooms.


Depersonalize and spruce up your house.

Staging isn’t just about adding things to your home to make it more appealing; you also need to take things away that can be distracting to interested buyers. As much as you love your family photos and other personal knickknacks, it’s not safe to assume that strangers will feel the same way. When preparing for an open house or listing photos, you need to depersonalize your home to make it feel more neutral. This is the best way to make it marketable to a wider range of people and increase your chances of getting an offer.

While you’re depersonalizing your house, you can address any problems with your decor or furniture that you feel could affect your staging. For instance, if you have a piece of furniture that could use a little touching up, hire a professional to handle the job. Just keep in mind that the price is largely determined by the size of the item you need upholstered.


Believe it or not, the color of the rooms in your house can influence whether a buyer decides to sign on the dotted line. If you don’t want to commit to a particular paint color, you can use wallpaper that allows you to peel and stick different designs, patterns, and colors to walls and hallways. The best part: you can remove and reposition them as needed.


Work with a real estate agent.

Realtors are great resources when it comes to staging your home to be sold. These professionals know exactly what helps to sell a home faster, and what to avoid at all costs. Instead of guessing what you think other people would like, you can have an expert tell you exactly what works. All of these are reasons why you should consider reaching out to an expert real estate specialist at Sellution Homes!


Staging helps to maximize your home’s selling potential by making it appealing to a wider range of people. With the right tools and resources and by using these staging tips, you can transform your house into a highly sought-after home.

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